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What is the Big Bass World Championship?

      Starting in 1987, the Big Bass World Championship has allowed weekend anglers to fish in a tournament, regardless of their life schedule. 

      By paying a one time entry fee, an angler from anywhere in the United States can compete against anglers only in the state in which they are fishing. Anglers are allowed to fish multiple states, but can only qualify to win one state.

      Fishing and qualifications begins on Jan. 1st, and run through Aug. 15th. When entered, an official BBWC ruler is sent to the angler, and when a fish is caught, it is photographed with the official BBWC ruler. 3 photos must be taken, 1 showing the length, 1 showing the girth, and 1 of the angler holding the Bass. (Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted Bass only)

       Throughout the qualification period, the largest fish are announced daily on the tournament leaderboard. At the end of the qualification period, each angler leading each state is invited to the finals at an undisclosed location. 49 anglers and last years World Champion fish on a lake in provided boats. (Alaska does not have Bass) The angler with the largest fish on the one day wins the cash prize, and a new boat motor and trailer. They then will be invited back to defend their championship the following year without the necessary qualification process.

       Since 1987, Bassin' and the BIG BASS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP has awarded over 10 Million dollars and prizes to weekend anglers. 

2018 BBWC Current Sponsors

Official Title Sponsor

Official Print Media Sponsor

Official Rod Sponsor

Official Leaderboard Sponsor

Official Trailer Sponsor

Official Motor Sponsor

Official Boat Sponsor

Official Ruler Sponsor

Official Weigh-In Sponsor

Official TV Sponsor

Want more information to Sponsor the BBWC?

Visit the Big Bass World Championship Website

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